Renako development blog - 23 May 2024

Renako development blog - 23 May 2024

Now since I spend almost all of my free time on this project and I want somewhere to update this project’s progress properly that’s why I start this daily development blog, you can follow my blog for this project’s progress!

Song selection screen final settings

Now all the main flow has already completed in song selection screen with some WIP final settings screen. Something still a bit strange here but will be fixed soon

WIP final settings screen

More interaction on the component

At first I didn’t implemented the component to interact with the player’s action but I implemented some of these and want to see the interaction

Song selection screen when go idle

First real gameplay implemented on code

I already created a pull request a first version of gameplay in test scene but you can still watch the first version of it on the video attached in pull request. It’s just a PoC but full design also available on Figma. Feedback is appreciated!

Current gameplay design (more in Figma!)